PAAR is available for virtual “office hours” on Zoom Tuesdays & Thursdays during the month of April.
Log in to:
– Learn more about PAAR services
– Participate in grounding, breathing and mindfulness exercises
– Join virtual movement and dance breaks
– Access resources
– Receive confidential support in a one-on-one setting*
*Confidential support will be provided individually in a virtual, private breakout room. When you join the “office hours,” PAAR staff will be available to help you access a room.
Remember that PAAR’s Helpline is available 24/7 for confidential support and information. Call or text at 1-866-END-RAPE (363-7273), or join an online chat at
*No Appointment Needed. Just ‘Drop-In’ Anytime Listed with the Link Below*
April Virtual “Office Hours” are:
Tuesday, April 6 ∙ 10am-1pm
Thursday, April 8 ∙ 1pm-4pm
Tuesday, April 13 ∙ 10am-1pm
Thursday, April 15 ∙ 1pm-4pm
Tuesday, April 20 ∙ 10am-1pm
Thursday, April 22 ∙ 1pm-4pm
Thursday, April 22 ∙ 4pm-7pm
Tuesday, April 27 ∙ 10am-1pm
Thursday, April 29 ∙ 1pm-4pm
Thursday, April 29 ∙ 4pm-7pm